
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Friday, January 30, 2004

Think Positive..

The year of the Monkey is supposedly not very good people born in the year and that includes ME.. yes ME.. The fortune teller that appear on TV on the eve of Chinese New Year mentioned that it's not going to be a smooth year for the monkeys and people like me should proceed with caution..

Went Chinatown abt 2 weeks ago and there's this HUGE wall in People's Park Complex with horoscope of all the 12 chinese zodiac signs.. Took a peep and it didnt bode well either.. and we are supposedly to "fan tai-shui" this year.. (heard it's offending the GOD - Tai Shui).. I'm actually quite ignorant on all the chinese customs and religions and i definitely didnt go and pray in the temples when MANY MANY of my friends say i should.

Anyway, abt the huge wall and all the horoscopes there.. i actually did take a peep at many others and it seems that everyone else's luck and fortune and wealth aren't any better.. i could have seen wrongly though.. you know.. had to squeeze with aunties and uncles just to see what the wall was about..

After all that reading and watching (the horoscopes i mean).. all the errrmm.. b a d luck i was going through.. I still believe that destiny is in one's own hands.. no matter how down, life will still go on and the earth will still rotate.. the birds wont stop chirping and people will grow and time will still tick away...

Only by thinking positively, changing my perception and adjusting my attitude that i can make myself and my life better.. I'm trying hard at it.. well.. after all, im going to get a new computer and a new mobile phone and oh yes.. i still have a trip to look forward to.. in just SIX days..

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