
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Monday, March 15, 2004

Boring Weekend...

Wei attended his graduation ceremony on saturday and was awarded the silver medal in his cohort.. I wasn't really surprised that he got it.. In fact.. i was actually expecting it.. Not sure if i'm right feeling this way, but i guess i'm happy for him coz he was awarded the scholarship as well..

Partied the night away to celebrate his graduation and slept almost the whole of sunday.. Managed to fix my computer and finally installed office into my computer.. Was looking at recruit and wanted to type my resume and send it out...

Am trying to accomplish many things at one time now.. but i havent really have time doing it... everyday seemed to pass in a whizz.. Got to wake really early tomorrow to work part time.. and my week ahead is so packed.. Wonder why.. I seemed to be more busy than the school days..

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