
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Friday, July 30, 2004

Bummed out..

I know i have been neglecting my blog. I haven't had the time to put up anything other than the quizzes and the article.

I have been so tired during the whole week!!

Came home on tuesday wanting to write my blog and spend some time with mum.. but i simply konked out the moment i got home.. i didnt even have dinner.. just slept all the way.. woke up around midnight and then went back to sleep abt an hour later..

Work on wednesday was normal.. more scanning of photos.. i wonder when i'll ever get them done.. *struggling* Met up with raphael and victor for dinner.. Need to get the camera from raphael for the bintan trip..

Work on thursday is pretty much the same.. except for a 2 hour meeting with Mr J.. hitched a ride from Azelia's bf to town.. met up with jac for dinner.. wei happened to be at his office so we had dinner together.. Shopped a bit in far east and decided to pop into a salon for a hair cut. Trim away all my troubles.. :)

Feel quite apologetic to jac coz didnt really shopped much since i kinda rushed into the salon for the cut. Hey girl, thanks for meeting up.. tho it may be short.. but shopping with you is always fun.. We shall go try that omelette thingy some day k!

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