
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Thursday, April 21, 2005

disappearance from the blogging scene..

I seemed to have disappeared, i know. entertaining is the thing that has been draining me out. Can you imagine? i just managed to step back into my house just a min ago.. can only drop a quick blog and off i am to bathroom to prepare for another hectic work day.

i'm freaking tired. i know some would prob say i asked for it. but sometimes, is it possible to reject? when it comes to occasions like farewell or birthdays? -sigh-

i have much to say, but little time left. i havent found any chance to even drop a quick blog at work and i didnt have the time to install msn yet. be patient my friends, i'll be back.. as soon as i clear my stuff at work.

alrighty, gotta run. hope everyone has a great day today!!

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