
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Friday, April 15, 2005

so, where are we heading?

i'm soooo disappointed in you. you know that?

does it only takes 10 mins of me repeating a story to put you off? do you know how much it meant to me? is that how much you cared? is this how it should be?

im tired. why is it that i have to shower you with the attention you need and when i REALLY need it, u just deprive me of it? Is it a pure coincidence or am i so unfortunate that the circumstance had to be like this?

are you just a fair-weathered friend? or was i one myself? i lost.

maybe you dont see it this way i do. maybe we don't see eye to eye anymore. maybe its time that we both move on.

time waits for no man, and that's more true for women than anything else.

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