
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Thursday, April 07, 2005

tiring day and starting to feel sick..

i just sneezed non-stop just before creating this entry. i think im gonna fall sick really soon.

fetched wei from the airport right after work today, and i'm now feeling the effects of weariness. not sure why.

lunch was interesting today. kinda had another super long lunch. drove chiew yen, jasmine, poh chuan and jean out of the office for lunch. had sakae at sembawang shopping centre. as usual, loads of laughter and crude jokes and i enjoyed myself immensely. i havent been really enjoying myself like that at work for a long time, and i thought, its a refreshing change.

i've been adding more and more links to my sidebar that i think im flooding it. but, it seems, a lot more people are blogging than i know it. thinking of changing it to a drop down bar thingy, but for now, that will still remain as a thought.

there are so many things on my to-do list now. study for my jap test, clean up my room, read the book angels and demons (lying by my bedside for ages already), start my auctions all over again, and get my life organised. and if, i do have time to spare.. i want to revamp my blog. it's looking a little stale to me, and someone (you know who u are), took my blog header pic and dumped it into his blog. :(

i guess its time to head for bed soon. now that i have returned the car to wei, i got to start waking real early to catch the bus and make sure i wont be late. and, i have got a supervisor meeting at 9am, so got to be there early to prepare for the meeting. :)

here's some pictures taken yesterday.

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