
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Thursday, May 12, 2005


today is a very down day compared to the rest of the week.. and the only thing that can perk me up a little is the dinner that im gonna have with michie later tonight.

I just took a box and tried packing my personal stuff into it. wanna bring it home with me tomorrow.. but a box is not sufficient. i might need another or a bigger box.

with the sale of the co, all the employment contracts will be novated. i wonder if they'll keep me, but then.. im always ready to leave. in view of my spain & portugal escapement, i am skeptical about leaving my personal items here and coming back to find them all classified under "company's properties". afterall.. it will be a full 2 weeks for me to be gone and a lot can happen..

im feeling a slight irritation at something. sick of the sight of my desk, my office and i wish i am now back home in my cosy bed. im darn hungry but have to wait till at least 1.15pm before i can lunch, unless my colleagues come back earlier.

-screams- ahhhh!

pek chek pek chek pek chek..

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