
a search for character.. seeking meaning of life.. losing naivete in the process..

Monday, July 18, 2005


back from the trip and feeling slightly disoriented. i wish i didnt have to come back.

the place was clean, peaceful and i feel so totally at ease. there wasnt a single thing that i didnt like about the place, and for once, i dont feel that i needed a computer to spend my time. sleep was minimal. most of the time was spent standing by the balcony, holding onto my rod and hands stinking of smelly squids.

it was relaxation to the max. for those who are wondering where i went.. it's a kelong off the coast of Penyabong (mersing). Kelong Acheh.

i definitely want to head back there soon. despite the long journey, its so nice. everyone on the trip enjoyed themselves. 18 of us on the trip and everyone loved the place.

i got to run off for my japanese class again. will blog more when im back home tonight, if i'm not too tired. not many photos coz there wasnt any avid photographers to help me take photographs. i didnt have chance to take many too, coz my hands are constantly sticky and slimy from fishing. but still, i have photos to offer, so come back here tonight! ;)

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